AthElite In The News

AthElite Nation is committed to delivering the best training information and results to our athletes. Stay up to date with what’s going on at the Facility with our AthElite in the News section–detailing our facility, athlete performances on the field or court, in the weight room, latest scholarship offers, not-to-be-missed events, training successes and more… Check us out on Social Media and give us a follow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Boaz trainer Brian Creel trains young athletes in skills and mind

Story by Seth Terrell Photos provided or by David Moore Brian Creel | Boaz strongman out to develop skills and minds of young athletes It was a crisp fall evening in Knoxville and a cool wind blew from the nearby Smoky Mountains. The night sky gave way to stadium lights that beamed smoothly from high atop Neyland Stadium. The crowd below had worked themselves into a fever pitch as they sang the last words of the trademark fight song, “... Rocky Top, you’ll always be home sweet home to me.” The stadium vibrated with the song; the words echoed all the way through to the visitors’ locker room...

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Train for excellence

By SHANNON J. ALLEN Creel’s AthElite Nation helps take athletes further Brian Creel is a CSCS pro strength and speed coach, USA Track and Field coach, USA Weightlifting coach and owner of AthElite Nation Sports Performance. He is known as one of the strongest men in the world and is a lifetime drug-free athlete. Brian Creel showcases his world-class strength to lift a car. Creel’s AthElite Nation in Boaz is home to collegiate All-Americans, national and world champions and numerous professional athletes from the NFL, CFL, WNBA, professional baseball, basketball, softball and soccer. Read...

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Train yourself to be GODLY. FOR PHYSICAL TRAINING is of some value but GODLINESS has value for all things.

1 Timothy 4:7-8