Long time AthElite Nation product Katie Allen signs a Division 1 Basketball scholarship with Samford University (Samford made the NCAA tournament in 2011 & 2012 and just recently knocked off LSU). Starting on the varsity team since the 8th grade, Katie’s talent caught the attention of numerous Division 1 schools. Through a lot of hard work, perseverance, self discipline, countless hours shooting, dribbling, lifting, sprinting, jumping, conditioning, drill after drill, and AAU tournaments all over the southeast to hone her skills and develop into one of the top basketball recruits; Katie Allen has finally made her dream of playing at the highest level a reality. Working with Katie over the past few years, it doesn’t surprise me of her success. HER HARD WORK, VISION, AND GODLY CHARACTER ARE A PERFECT STORM FOR SUCCESS, NOT ONLY IN SPORT BUT IN LIFE.
40- dropped from a 6.03 to an explosive 5.2
Squat - 135 to 305
Broad Jump- increased 15 inches
Vertical Jump- Increased 7 inches
Deadlift- 125 to 300
Bench- 90 to 205 1 Board Press